Archaeologists recently discovered what might be the oldest site in America once occupied by humans, and it’s right here in Oregon. Evidence suggests people were butchering away in the Rimrock Draw Rockshelter over 18,000 years ago.
It was a friendly little spot with an overhanging rock ledge to shelter under and a nearby stream termed “permanent” although it dried up about ten thousand years later, so you know—when it comes to real estate, as in anything else, caveat emptor. Anyway, thanks to such a prolonged transfer of generational wealth, Native Americans are now the most financially secure demographic in the country.
Ha ha! Nuh-uh! They were doing fine for the first 18,000 years until a couple hundred years ago, when apparently they lost it all in a casino.
What the archaeologists found were a few stone tools, serrated for hiding and cutting meat, and they found some sort of proteins on one of the tools, which they further surmised came from a large extinct buffalo, the Bison antiquus—“Buffy” to her friends, Aquarius, liked quiet nights in the mud wallow and long walks along the prairie.
Amazing predators were around then, dire wolves and saber-toothed cats, and they petered out about when the large herbivores they depended on pre-petered them. The Bison antiquus—renowned for its two long horns and two adjacent U’s—dwindled into our smaller modern bison, and those had a pretty good run until about two hundred years ago—huh!—when a bunch of white people murdered almost all of them in order to eliminate the species the remaining Native Americans depended on, so they’d go away. That would have done a number on the dire wolves too if we still had any.
The first Bison antiquus fossil was found in the 1850s in a place called Big Bone, Kentucky, at the site of the current Big Bone Lick Park. Big Bone was named after all the big bones found there. Whoever named it Big Bone Lick swears up and down he was referring to a salt lick in the vicinity, so it’s his word against just about everybody else’s.
At Rimrock Draw, they’ve found camel teeth also, buried under a layer of Mt. St. Helens ash. Which goes a long way to explain why we don’t have camels here today, because that sucker is still going off. It’s just as well, though, because camels are mean, although somewhat less so without their teeth.
Modern science is amazing. You can’t get away with anything anymore. Our Rimrock forebears might never have figured out which one of them got away with taking the big divot out of the Sunday roast in the middle of the night 18000 years ago, but it’s only a matter of time before an archaeologist does. You can’t flick a booger anymore without some scientist tracing it back to you.
Archaeology has come a long way. They found the famous bog body Tolland Man so well preserved, clothes and cap and noose and all, that you could probably still pick a zit on him, but this kind of prehistoric forensics is even more impressive. The researchers are modest about it. Of course they were able to trace 18000-year-old molecules off a stone tool because it was perfectly preserved in a layer of volcanic ash—two thousand years later. Hello! That doesn’t take much of the shine off the achievement, in my opinion.
We’re amazingly good at looking into the past. Actually, we’re pretty damn good about looking into the future too, but we’re not very good at taking that information into account for policy purposes. We’re about to engineer the destruction of the life forms even imperialists depend on and the results are predictable, but I guess there’s nothing we plan to do about it.
It’s me again, avatar-searching Susan. I feel profound distress when I think of Tollund Man. For god’s sake. Life was hard enough back then. But they strangled or hung him just to make it harder. Stripped him but left his hat on.
I can’t remember why they concluded he was sacrificed as opposed to punished.
Sorry to be a bother.
Oh look! Avatar?
WHAT?!?!? I’m back?!?!? And with a photo of my great-great-great-grandmother’s 1812 portrait by Thomas Sully? Wow. I’m flabbergasted. Back soon. Need to go lie down.
Now if you can figure out why I can’t get Facebook to pick up my post link along with a picture, you’ll be my hero.
And Otzi, the antique guy they found in the Alps, had died from arrow and knife wounds. Maybe they knew that folks would be really into true crime stories in the future, so they left us some clues.
Yeah, and they figure out things like he had knife wounds but that’s not what got him, or he had arthritis, or constipation, or whatever. But now when you go in to the doctor they’re all “I have no idea what this is.”
My favorite line: “We’re about to engineer the destruction of the life forms even imperialists depend on and the results are predictable…”
All times are strange, but we truly have to be living in the strangest of all.
I think you may be able to repeat this comment every six months and be accurate.
As you know, accuracy is my hallmark.
you know, a lot of the time.
I always love hearing about archaeology findings, what and where is all so interesting, how the regular population lived so long ago, it’s just amazing to me how one day one of them picked up something a bit different to everything else lying around and thought “hmm, what can I do with this?” And then there’s all the things discovered by accident, such as sparks from flint struck on a rock that landed in dry grass and made fire perhaps.
Well, way back when, they used dragons for that.
I think Tolland Man was sacrificed for something to happen in the future, he also had a special meal inside him. The idea has just formed who would we sacrifice for the future out of today’s candidates?
I do so enjoy your American humour, even if sometimes I do not understand what you are saying!
You are not alone in that last part. I’m not always sure what I’m saying either.
There’s nothing like watching humans self-destruct in real time, is there? Every once in a while I see a glimmer of hope but then it is trashed by either a developer or another war.
Well. Yeah.
Visited Big Bone Lick in May while driving from Bowling Green to Cincinnati to do spring birding at Magee Marsh in Ohio and Tawas Point in Michigan. Couldn’t resist stopping there, with a name like that. Tried to attach a photo of the sign here, but it wouldn’t show. Was told many people stop to photograph the sign,