Congratulations, America, you got yourself a duly elected dear leader again, like a real democracy! He’s a doozy, too! Good job. And you got just what you wanted: someone who tells you who the icky and scary people are, and promises to do something about them. You can’t ask any more from a candidate than that, apparently.

God knows something needed to change. The fact is, you should have way more jingle in your pockets by now. And the reason you don’t is that all that money you should have is going to people who don’t deserve it. Not the billionaires, they’re legit, or they wouldn’t be so rich. Don’t worry about them—they’ll be taken care of.

Fact is, the country is being absolutely overrun by imaginary threats. My God, they’re everywhere! All those people trudging hundreds of miles through the desert to sneak into America and rape our women! That’s our job. Trannies! Pronoun pansies! Election workers! We’re going to clear out all that vermin for you. You’re going to be safe now. You’re going to be rich now. Daddy’s back.

Because you shouldn’t have to be paying three and a half bucks for God’s gift of gas. We’re going to end the war on fossil fuel by capitulating. We’re going to drill, baby, drill! And that’s just what we’re going to do to the ladies, wink wink! Whether they like it or not! Har! Climate change? We’ll change it back. We’ll take down all the trees: no more wildfires! Paper towels for everybody!

We’re bringing America back. Captain Nostalgia is on fire for internment camps again, and about damn time. The beauty part is you know it’s going to happen to somebody else, not all you straight white boys. If you’re a little swarthy, or a little swishy, someone’s going to be coming for you real soon now. But you don’t need to worry about that!

I kid! You’re not all of you straight white boys. You’re fine upstanding conservatives who figure that the worldwide inflation that happened after the pandemic is Biden’s fault and we’ll be back to buck-fifty eggs if we kick out the Dems. And just because your man is a racist misogynistic xenophobic white nationalist doesn’t mean you are too. It just means you’re okay with it. Nobody’s coming after your marriage, or shooting up your mosque, and you don’t have any queer kids you worry about, because your family don’t roll that way. Meanwhile the job situation is looking up. Boom times coming in detention sciences and strawberry-picking!

Too much government, that’s the problem. We’re getting rid of it; there’s no profit in it. Hell, they design it that way. Medicare is administered at 1.3% of its total spending, and how is that supposed to make anyone any money? Out with the FBI. Out with the IRS. Out with the obstructionist sissies at the EPA. Everyone knows government doesn’t work, and we’re going to make sure it stays that way.

So congratulations, America! Congratulations, billionaires and oligarchs!

And congratulations, especially, to Vladimir Putin! What a job, what a triumph, what a man! Ukraine will do nicely for now, no need for any of those other shithole nations to worry. Who would want them? It’s all cooked cabbage and consonants over there. We’re getting out of that mess. Good luck, NATO, time to pull up your big-country pants.

Before we go, though, let’s hear it for those spunky Ukrainians. Hell of a bunch of fighters you are! We’re going to put some peace on you now, and there’s nothing you can do about it, so just lie back and enjoy it. You know how it is. When you’re a czar, they let you do it.