If a caecilian blorts in a burrow and there’s nobody underground to hear it, does it make a sound?
Such is the arrogance and heedlessness of humans that the answer has, heretofore, been “No.” We tend to be pretty quick to jump to a conclusion and then hold onto it for dear life, especially if it puts us in a superior light. A number of critters assumed to be mute have recently been recorded clicking and squeaking and lip-smacking and blorting away. Others have been revealed to have remarkable patterning and coloration in wavelengths we can’t register, and yet we’re the ones who think they’re dull. We’re like the Americans who assume people with accents are stupid because they speak five languages we don’t understand.
As a species, we be insular.
Heck, most people don’t even know caecilians exist, let alone blort, because of that whole underground thing. Not me, though. I wrote a report about amphibians when I was eight and the caecilians were right in there, correctly spelled, too.
Sometimes things we learn don’t even stay learned. This news about the unmuted critters has been making the rounds for a few weeks now, but a couple fellows refuted the common wisdom about caecilians in a paper 45 years ago. As they put it, “The problem seems to be that the fainter sounds are heard by relatively few humans, most of whom do not write scientific papers.”
They went on to report on having heard a caecilian. “The animal was picked out of a shipment of snakes…A soft yelp, squawk, or squeak [was] irregularly produced…when the animal appeared to be startled, as when it was handled, or dropped into a cage.”
Or, I would think, into a box of snakes.
Science might take a step backward from time to time, but mostly lurches on, and so it is that some very smart people have now taken the recordings of caecilians (and turtles and lungfish and other planetary residents previously presumed to be voiceless), and jammed them all up with “phylogenetic trait reconstruction models” for heaven’s sake and determined that all of us noise-producing vertebrates had a common ancestor 407 million years ago. I don’t know exactly how they did it, but they cinched it with a fossil recording of an early ostracoderm whining about all the goddamn trilobites.
Anyway I didn’t actually know much about caecilians when I was eight. They were sort of a footnote. So I was very pleased to learn that at least some caecilian mothers personally feed their young with something they secrete from their buttular region. And every so often the kids clamber all over her in a feeding frenzy and eat her skin off with their teeny tiny teeth. She grows it all back in three days and I’m thinking it probably feels pretty good getting exfoliated. The kids increase in size quite rapidly on a diet of butt juice and mom skin, emitting nom-nom noises all the while. Then they’re ready to go about their business like responsible adults.
And not some big-headed wobbler that takes 25 years to grow up, only to believe in lizard people.
I’m at a rare loss for words about this creature, as I have never even heard of a caecillian before. Neither has my spellcheck, as it underlined the word in red to bring it to my attention. (I don’t allow my spellcheck to take over. Just suggest. Am a control freak.) It looks like an earthworm to me, only in a much more fashionable color. All I can do is mention some things I’ve read that are in a similar vein:
People think that birds who seem sexually monomorphic must look that way to other birds. Nup. Birds can see more into the ultraviolet than we do, and to other birds they are sexually dimorphic. They have markings on them that can only be seen in ultraviolet. Spider webs are designed so that they are completely invisible to the insects they target; they just look like more of the sky. Most nocturnal creatures can see into the infrared, whereas diurnal creatures tend more toward ultraviolet. Except for humans, we poor visually handicapped creatures. The ONLY creature that can see both slightly into the ultraviolet AND the infrared? The Goldfish! Who knows why, but I find the fact that they seemingly need this quality extremely interesting, as we have a small fish pond with goldfish, and I can’t help but wonder what the world looks like to them.
Your comment brought to mind a statement by a prof (I can’t recall the name of the prof or of the course, it was half a century ago) that humans are less sexually dimorphic than most critters.
P.S. Mimi, your comments are great.
Um, and getting less so all the time.
Thanks, Jeremy! And yes, I have noticed, especially as people get older, that it’s sometimes hard to tell the sexes apart. I’ve seen men with bigger tits than mine, and wondered… is that a woman? Conversely, I have seen women with short grey hair, boobs so droopy that they looked non-existent, and non-descript sweatclothes, and wondered… are they guys? Not that it matters. But I find it interesting that these are people who probably think all birds look alike, or all squirrels… but i find that I can tell genders of other animals better than I can humans. (Birds are especially easy to me!)
How fascinating to have so many new “fizzy facts” to know. Thanks. Now I need to read this all again.
For what it’s worth, I just entered “blort” as my first guess in Wordle, but it rejected as “not in word list”. So what do they know? Certainly not as many words as we do!
I’m not sure if I learned something here or not. I’ll just go back to picking cat hair off my t-shirt.
Sure you did! It just didn’t stay learned.
You would be a hit as a science teacher! I seriously think you have the makings of an honest-to-goodness book: “The World According to Murr.” Or “Science for Dummies.” Or some such. I am very serious about this.
I learned two new words today, including “blort” which I thought you made up. I made a list of birds in the dictionary when I was 9 years old. I didn’t make it through the whole dictionary, but it was good practice for cursive. I so firmly believe in encouraging children’s love of nature and glad to see your childhood love continued to this day.
I thought I made it up too.
Anyway, thanks! I now think Science Teacher would have been a good path for me but it sure wasn’t on my radar when I was younger. And I have written a book about birds that I truly love (the book as well as the birds) but I can’t seem to find a publisher.
Dang! Blort IS a word!
Duh! Didn’t realize I was posting as “Anonymous.” Guess my defaults disappeared.
Um, thanks? I was going to fix a nice Sunday breakfast but after reading this, I’ve kind of lost my appetite. It was going to be sausage anyway.
Just pick out the blue wormy parts.
“The Cayenne caecilian, in this journalist’s opinion, produced sounds a bit like exaggerated yet strangely half-hearted armpit farts, while the mata mata turtle almost came across like a purring cat”. From an article on Salon.com about talking turtles and their kin. Caecilians have tentacles near their eyes and, in one kind, extension of the tentacle moves the eye out of the skull. https://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/2008/01/03/surreal-caecilians-part-i
Who knew? It’s a much stranger world than we believe. Thanks, Murr
Thanks Mary! I didn’t even realize they had eyes. Keep reading, Brewster.
How fascinating to have so many new “fizzy facts” to know. Thanks. Now I need to read this all again.
According to Wikipedia, “The male caecilians have a long tube-like intromittent organ, the phallodeum, which is inserted into the cloaca of the female for two to three hours.” I guess they don’t tire easily.