The arc of the moral universe is long, but, as you may have heard, it bends toward justice. This is the elegant statement Martin Luther King Jr. assembled from the musings of a nineteenth-century Unitarian minister. It’s a hopeful thing. The idea is that, over time, good will prevail over evil. In the bedtime story America likes to tell herself, we are always forming a more perfect union.
It does seem that way sometimes. In my lifetime, gay men and women have gone from being persecuted and kept in the closet to living openly and legally marrying whom they like. Something that simple shouldn’t have taken so long, but still, it would be hard to come up with a stouter example of things getting better than that.
Things have gotten better for Black Americans over the same time period, too, although the bar for improvement was originally set on the ground. Much of the time, I openly marvel that white people aren’t being murdered in their beds more often in this country—it speaks better of the non-white races than the white—but life is measurably better than it was in the Jim Crow era.
Which is a lesson in itself, because Jim Crow was the perfect example of people looking at that arc starting to bend toward justice, snapping it the hell off, and impaling a whole race of people on it. Slavery may have been our original sin—well, that and the attempted extermination of the original residents—but Jim Crow was one sustained era of deliberate, unmitigated terrorism designed to stamp out a hopeful Reconstruction.
That’s one thing to pay attention to, if you’re in the more-perfect-union fan base. Things can get markedly better, more just, for a lot of people, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way. We have to watch for the backlash. It’s a killer.
All it takes is a demagogue, or a whole party of them, explaining how winning freedom for one set of people takes away freedoms from other people, which it doesn’t, and out comes the ugly. There is nobody in this country who will be harmed by kindness and tolerance shown to transsexuals, but by God (usually) it’s easy to direct ordinary citizens to lay waste to the public schools over such kind consideration, and to motivate the foot soldiers on their fringe to stomp them into snot. It’s easy to get them to imagine Black history isn’t American history—when it’s the epitome of American history—and start storming the libraries over teaching children the truth.
It’s child’s play to get professed Christians to disavow the Golden Rule.
You’d think the world would have learned its lesson after Hitler. You’d think some things are so important they stay learned. They don’t. It took only a few decades before we saw the rise of another friendless man with rot in his heart, and hear him refer to immigrants as vermin. To Black people as thugs and terrorists. To celebrate dictators and assassins. And to be worshipped for the audacity of being loathsome, right out loud.
I didn’t understand how the Holocaust could have happened the first time. I couldn’t imagine the world would see the like of Nazis ever again. We’re supposed to have learned.
I didn’t think we’d be dealing with measles again either. But stupidity and gullibility are highly contagious.
As Mark Twain is reputed to have said, “History doesn’t repeat itself… but it rhymes.”
When I was eleven, my parents bought a World War II text and pictorial history book, what we’d call a coffee table book today except some of the pictures would curdle your coffee. I read it cover to cover, a trauma in and of itself for a pre-teen. I guess my parents figured I was old enough to know about the big, bad truth. Now, it seems, MAGAs of any age are too young for that. I still have that book right out in my sitting room where I can see it daily and remember. Powerful remedial reading. I’d loan it out to some “conservatives” if I were speaking to any of them.
I remember being quite young when my mom told me about the concentration camps. I am certain I could not have survived your coffee table book.
Well said. I wish trump would relocate to Russia!
I’m sure they’d make room for him, but they think he’s more useful here.
“It’s child’s play to get professed Christians to disavow the Golden Rule.”
Whew! And I loved the parting comment about seeing the measles again.
Well. In Florida.
I marvel everyday that this crud still walks among us, let alone still has followers or an actual chance to be president again. My God! What you wrote here Murr is certainly right on and a sad truth that what goes around comes around. I always liked to think we were on a fairly straight path to the human race in Captain Kirk’s time, give or take 150 years. Now I shudder to think where we’ll be then. Probably fatter and just as toopid.
It’s actually hard for me to imagine us being still around in 150 years.
I wish this essay reached millions and millions, required reading, eyes wide open. Brains wide open?——now that’s a tough sell.
I recently finished reading James Carroll’s “Constantine’s Sword.” I am now reading “The 1619 Project.” As I often say, when I really look into things they usually turn out to be even worse than I thought they were/are (and that’s saying a lot). Well written piece, Murr.
I am just horrified about that is happening in the US right now. The idea that this absolutely cretinous Nazi thug could seriously be elected AGAIN after everyone already knows what he will do, is just mind-boggling. I wake up every morning and remember that he still exists and may turn the country into a Nazi-style dictatorship and I fall into utter depression.
I was awake for several hours last night thinking of it. For the first time since 2021.
We have measles again in my country too, mostly children of immigrants who don’t realise the need for vaccinations against a disease they may never have heard of. It should be written on citizen applications papers, you must get your vaccinations: then a list of everything to vaccinate against. And because measles has been “dead” for so long, many Australians who aren’t immigrants also forget to vaccinate. Whooping cough is back too. Get your booster shots!
Here, it’s Floridians, following the advice of their Surgeon General.
More correctly, its immigrants from other states that don’t believe in vaccinations. ‘Mercans! They cross our borders from northern and western states. In my area, its Ohio, Illinois and New Yorkers.
In SW FL its heavily New Yorkers, flying Trump flags and prepping for the next insurrection.
Its absolutely heartbreaking.
I make a point of apologizing for their treatment of local workers to the workers everywhere I go. We used to be a lovely community. Before the migration of ugly americans.
I know someone who seriously believes that aliens live under the ocean floor on Planet Earth, that they’ve been there for quite some time, as this is the only explanation for the Sumerians accomplishments. When I asked him how the aliens could have traversed the solar system, he said the space-time continuum is folded, so that things light-years away from each other are actually close by.
This person votes for Trump and so does his wife.
I’m sure we all know some nutty folks who cannot fathom voting for a Democrat. I think perhaps the best we can do is persuade these people not to vote at all.
Thank You
“Those who believe absurdities can be convinced to commit atrocities.” Voltaire (approximately). That’s the hidden motto of Q-Anon.
Regarding the old question “Could Nazi Germany ever happen here”, I suggest a book, ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’, by Hannah Arendt. It explores the question, and the answer is not reassuring.
I read in my news feed this morning that Enid, Oklahoma actually elected a white nationalist to their city council. He took part in a tiki torch wielding demonstration a few years back, where he and his fellow idiots were yelling “Jews will not replace us!”
I despair. But even so, I will vote. Because WTF else can we do?
I would guess that was a question Jews were asking themselves in Germany in 1931-36.
Well written. We can never take progress for granted. It’s like Sisyphus pushing the rock uphill. The best we can hope for is that sometimes it doesn’t roll all the way back down.
Well said, Murr. I do believe that over time good triumphs over evil. I just hope that enough people in the US will see DT for the con-man that he is and vote against him in November. I can’t believe he is going to be on the ballot again after all that he’s said and done. When I’m being nice, I describe him with 5 “i” words: immature, impolite, impulsive, incompetent and immoral. That should be enough to disqualify him without getting into the fact that he is a compulsive liar and narcissistic sociopath who tried to cheat, and incited violence in an attempt to stay in power.
Now let’s play dress-up! He declared
with a smile like the expression
of an attacking baboon.
Let’s put on the robe and raise the torch
like the lady in New York Harbor!
They could see that he looked nothing like her
but that morning he had promised them
that they finally could realize
their lifelong — no, their generations-long
fantasy of murdering whoever wasn’t just like them
so they shouted out that he indeed was she
and sawed through the feet
of the gift from France
and pushed it over.
He bent over and looked approvingly
where the acid he’d encouraged them
to throw was eating through her copper face
and murmured to her
“Relax, it will all be over soon.”
© 2024 by Jeremy Cantor
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