A good friend dropped by. She had only about fifteen minutes to spare, so we sat in the back yard and talked about birds, flowers, and why someone might want to kill us.
Molly’s had actual death threats, although that sort of thing is a dime a dozen these days. The social media have revealed us as a particularly crotchety species, given to insult and murder. I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten any death threats myself, since I mock Republicans every day as soon as I’ve had my coffee, and have publicly come down on numerous hot-button topics, such as abortion (I’m a fan).
Also? I’m an old white lady. There’s nothing easier to ignore than that. There are plenty of people who have reason to worry on a daily basis that someone is going to kill them or their family, but none of them are white people. Except the ones who up and decided, out of nowhere, just to piss us off, that their assigned sex was all wrong. And Jews, who are only honorary white people.
Molly, on the other hand, is young. Like me, she’s got a mouth on her, only hers is real purty. That puts her a few notches up on the scale of vulnerability to murder right there. Generally speaking, young white women are rarely slain except by men they’ve had sex with at least once. I’ve had sex with about fifty men all told but some of them are dead now and some are forgetful and I only pissed off one of them, but he’s a monk. I feel pretty safe at this point. Also, the herpes has really tapered off.
Molly’s real problem is she is the proprietor of Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat–Delicious Dog Since 1981—and she has a bumper sticker for it on her car. It’s meant to be provocative and the other day she was traveling in the South somewhere and might have provocked someone. The sidewalks in town seemed to be unusually laden with young men either drunk or defective or both, and her husband had suggested they do a slow roll past them so they could read their bumper sticker.
This would be the point in the story I asked her if she’s received death threats.
“Sure,” she said. “But most people don’t take this seriously. You’d have to be sort of stupid to think it’s real.”
“Stupid doesn’t rule out murderers,” I said. “In fact, there’s probably a strong correlation, statistically.”
“And you don’t need ‘most people.’ You just need one or two.”
“And besides the stupid, you’ve got the people who might think you’ll try to steal their fighting dogs for sausages.”
“Plus you have your actual name on the Dog Farm. Who does that? Even I don’t have a bumper sticker that says I HEART ABORTION with my name and address. There are people who would read that as “God will reward you for eternity if you rear-end this car into a bridge abutment.”
I worry. Molly is one in an unbroken stream of exceptional people who have lived in our rental house. A landlady, particularly one with an indoor cat and no children of her own, is going to worry about her tenants for the rest of her life. It’s a nice break from climate change anxiety.
“Oh well,” Molly said. She’s hard to frighten. She’s a standup comic. “If someone does take me out, that’ll be that much more exposure for Elwood Dog Meat.”
“I’ll make you famous,” I promised emptily. “I’ll start with all four hundred of my readers and they can take it from there.”
It’s all up to you, people. Eat a vegan tamale for poor murdered Molly!
Not only do I “heart” abortion, I wish in some cases that it could be performed retroactively. (I’m lookin’ at you, Former President Pumpkin.)
You stole that from me.
Face it Kid. We ALL stole that from you.
I thought I stole it from Colbert, as he NEVER mentions Trump by name — only as “the former president” or some less flattering appellation. But y’know… plagiarism IS the sincerest form of flattery. (And yeah… I plagiarized THAT, too!)
And I feel like a gutless, yellow-bellied wimp because I’m afraid to wear a bumper sticker on my car that tells the truth about Republicans. There are quite a few neighbors of mine who have Trump signs and flags still on display. One of them is wrapped in a huge wire cage with security cameras and floodlights and demands “TRUMP 2020.” This is insanity. Well, at least we now have video proof that Loudermilk is a lying bastard. Thank you, J6 committee. Is there a bumper sticker supporting them? I might wear that.
Trump supporters are serious outliers in this neighborhood. I’m glad. My blood pressure couldn’t take it.
My favorite line…”some of them are dead now and some are forgetful”. That would make a bumper sticker I could get behind.
And I forget which ones are dead.
My first two boyfriends later turned out to be gay. I don’t know if they were attracted to me at first because of my dramatic way of dressing, or if, after dating me, they were like… “Yeah, no… maybe females are not my thing.”
I’m pretty sure you turned them gay, because that’s exactly how that works.
Wow… Murr you’ve got 50 notches on the bed post! Very impressive!
You’ve gone way up in my book!
You might have an odd book.
50 men? I’ve only slept with three and two of those were husbands, several years apart.
Anyway, I think Molly sounds like a fine person to know.
I watched a movie last night about southern boys who seemed to be always drunk, the movie turned scary and I actually went to bed hoping I didn’t have nightmares. I didn’t, but I didn’t sleep as soundly as usual. Your country scares me.
Me? Six. Even using birth control, I was SO afraid of getting pregnant. Because it would disappoint my mom, who got married when she got pregnant. At 42. My mom wanted a baby. My dad wanted a stepmother for his kids from a previous marriage. Basically a business arrangement, and it worked out just as well as it sounds. No wonder I never wanted kids.
MY country scares the fuck out of me… but so does EVERYTHING at this point.
It is a scary country! My dad also wanted a stepmom for his two kids and it worked out fine, at least for me, who was the last and most surprising, apparently.
My mom said she would marry him IF she got pregnant. So, it doesn’t sound like any sort of love story…. Mom couldn’t handle two teenagers, who were rebellious and “lazy” and ate EVERYTHING in the fridge (in other words, NORMAL teenagers.) So they went to live with their grandmother in short order. And dad (or, as I lovingly refer to him, my progenitor) was stuck with a colicky baby.
You’re still kind of a *little* colicky.
What is colicky anyway?
Colic is intermittent, severe gas pains in infants. It makes them cry loudly and frequently.
So, I’ve never commented before, tho’ I’ve wanted to several times. My California cousin turned me on to your stuff with the warning not to stop reading because of the politics. (She knew me well.) I’m a Texas girl, born and raised. My family was split with die hard Republicans on one side and staunch Democrats on the other. Good times around the dining room table!
Over the years, I’ve slipped ever closer to the left. So I’ve learned to smile and lots of times agree with your political opinions. But here’s where you guys start stepping on my toes…
Y’all seem to believe the South and Texas are the only places where racists and bigots and haters of all things “different” live. These Unites States are crawling with haters and lots of them weren’t even born below the Mason Dixon line! Just be equally judgemental, folks. Damn the north and the south, east and west too! Damn the Democrats and the Republicans. I mean seriously, they both suck…equally.
Love your stuff, Murr, and thanks for sharing her blog, Judith!
Welcome, Lynn! I remember vividly the last time my family had a Christmas dinner. My husband and uncles got into an argument about gun control, and my uncles left abruptly. (They made and collected Kentucky rifles.) Never had another family gathering again. And I agree that both the far left and the far right can be crazy.
And no, it isn’t just the South. Just north of us in Garnet Valley, Pa, it’s practically a bastion of Trump supporters. I just close my eyes to all the signs (difficult to do, as I am driving) and try to focus on the birds and squirrels.
There is almost no far left in this country. (When is the last time you met an actual communist or anarchist?) Before I quite FaceBook I learned that the average American assumes that “a leftist who is extremely stupid” is the same thing as “an extreme leftist.” Those are not the same.
When I talk about “the far left”, I’m referring to people who expect me to police every word or thought that I have. Sorry, dudes. To me, words are just words. Call me a bitch. Call me a cunt. I’ll just shrug and think, “Yeah… sometimes I am. But so is everyone else. They just don’t want to be called that.” I throw “Oh, FFS” around like I’m getting a paid endorsement for saying it. (I WISH!) When younger people hear me say it, they chuckle and help me out with whatever vexed me. Older people (my age, actually. But I think of them as OLDER people because I’m heavily into denial) usually gasp and look away.
‘“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.” ‘
Thrilled you’re writing, Lynn! I had to go back to look and see where I might have implied our thoroughly racist country was weighted (that way) to the south, and I see it now–it just happened to be where Molly was at the time. So sort of a gratuitous dig, I guess. Sorry! You’re right. We’re a mess through and through. Weirdly, Oregon has one of the most racist histories of any of the states.
Oh, Lynn, but I do have to add–no surprise to you–that at least in modern times, Democrats and Republicans do not suck equally. The suckiness is very very heavily weighted to the right.
Your friend Molly is my new hero. Bumped you right into second place!
I wish I was that brave. I used to be, or I think I was…but then the world got worse and , well maybe I just wasn’t as brave as I thought. It’s getting scary out there…
One hundred heart emojis to you. A buncha hugs, too. ((((((hug))))))))